Our patent attorneys and lawyers are the professionals of high class having many years of successful experience in registration and protection of intellectual property in Russia and abroad.
Our company is recognized in the ratings as one of the best law firms in Russia.

Popular Russian ranking which conducts annual research of the legal market in Russia.The individual rankings of IP professionals name:
Dmitry Markanov – Intellectual Property (registration), (сonsultancy), (protection of rights and legal disputes)
– Band 1
Maxim Volkov – Intellectual Property (protection of rights and legal disputes) – Band 1
Anna Atyakshina – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
Anna Grebenkova – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
Natalia Naumova – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
Rimma Slemtseva – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
PATENTUS is traditionally named the leader in the IP law sector:
Protection of Rights – Band 1;
Legal Disputes – Band 1;
Consultancy – Band 2.
PATENTUS in Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare:
Pharmaceuticals – Band 2.
The individual rankings of IP professionals name:
Dmitry Markanov – Intellectual Property (registration), (protection of rights and legal disputes)
– Band 1
Alexey Mikhailov – Intellectual Property (protection of rights and legal disputes) – Band 1
Rimma Slemtseva – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
Anna Atyakshina – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
Natalia Naumova – Intellectual Property (registration) – Band 1
PATENTUS was given the highest ranks in: Protection of rights and legal disputes (Band 1) and Registration (Band 1).
Among best IP experts were named:
Dmitry Markabov, Managing Partner of PATENTUS, in Protection of rights and legal disputes and Registration.
Alexey Mikhailov, Head of Patents department, in Protection of rights and legal disputes.
Anna Atyakshina and Evgeniya Levina, leading experts, in Protection of rights and legal disputes and Registration.
Rimma Slemtseva, leading expert, in Registration.
PATENTUS ranked in the first group of absolute leaders in the Intellectual property area in the categories: Filing
and Litigation.
Dmitry Markanov and Alexey Mikhailov noted by the Pravo.ru-300 Ranking as leaders in the Intellectual property protection.
PATENTUS is included in the category: Intellectual Property (tier 3)
PATENTUS takes part in the legal market research conducted by Pravo.ru-300 Russian rating. Traditionally, the company holds top positions in the field of intellectual property.

Kommersant publishing house annually presents the results of the research "Leaders of the Legal Services Market".The firm is named by the Kommersant federal rankings in the following categories:
Best law practices:
Intellectual Property: IP dispute resolution - Band 1
Intellectual Property: IP law consultancy - Band 1
Best sectoral departments:
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Resolution of key disputes in the sector – Band 2
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Advice to leaders in medical and pharmaceutical sectors – Band 3
Manufacture and Industry: Advice to leaders in the sector – Band 1
Manufacture and Industry: Resolution of key disputes in the sector – Band 2
Retail and Trade, FMCG: Advice to leaders in the sector – Band 1
Retail and Trade, FMCG: Resolution of key disputes in the sector – Band 1
Tourism and Sports: Advice to leaders in the sector – Band 2
Transport and Logistics: Resolution of key disputes in the sector – Band 1
Transport and Logistics: Advice to leaders in the sector – Band 2
Individual lawyer rankings:
Intellectual Property: Dmitry Markanov – Band 1
Intellectual Property: Natalia Naumova – Band 2
Retail and Trade, FMCG: Dmitry Markanov – Band 1
Manufacture and Industry: Dmitry Markanov – Band 2
Intellectual Property: Maxim Volkov - Rising Star
PATENTUS was named among best law practices in the following categories: IP dispute resolution (Band 1) and IP law consultancy (Band 1).
In sector specific categories the firm was named in:
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals (Dispute resolution and Advice to leaders in the sector),
Retail and Trade, FMCG (Dispute resolution),
Transport and Logistics (Dispute resolution and Advice to leaders in the sector).
In Individual lawyer rankings:
Dmitry Markanov was named a leading lawyer in Intellectual Property and Retail and Trade, FMCG».
Alexey Mikhailov was named a leading lawyer in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals.
PATENTUS is recognized as one of the best firms in Russia in the categories of "Best Legal Practices": Intellectual Property: Dispute Resolution on Intellectual Property" (Band 1) and Intellectual Property Law Consulting (Band 1). "Best Industry Practices: Retail & Commercial, FMCG (Band 1). "Individual Lawyer Ranking"
Dmitry Markanov is recognized as a top lawyer in "Intellectual Property" and "Retail & Commercial, FMCG."
Alexey Mikhailov was recognized as a leading lawyer in
"Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals".
PATENTUS is recognized as one of the best companies in Russia in "Best legal practices", "Best industry practices", and "Individual rating of lawyers" categories. We obtained a recommendation in "Intellectual property: Consulting on intellectual property law" and "Settlement of key disputes in the field of healthcare" and "Advising the leaders of automotive manufacturing".
Dmitry Markanov is recognized as a leading intellectual property lawyer.
Alexey Mikhailov has received a personal recommendation from the rating (“Individual rating of lawyers”) in the field of healthcare.
in the category "Best industry practice" PATENTUS was recognized as the leader in "Settlement of key disputes in the field of healthcare" and "Advising the leaders of automotive manufacturing".
Dmitry Markanov was recognized as the leading intellectual property lawyer ("Trademark disputes, patent disputes").

Rossiyskaya Gazeta
The federal newspaper published the annual Rankings of Lawyers and Their Companies.Dmitry Markanov is named as Best Top Practitioner, Band 1
Maxim Volkov is named as ‘Very Good Professional, Band 3

Chambers and Partners
The most reputable independent international agency that has been publishing its legal ratings for more than 25 years. The ratings and recommendations are based on researches and surveys of law firms, surveys of their clients and partners. Being recognized by Chambers is a confirmation of the company's professionalism and high-level services.PATENTUS named one of the best companies in Russia in the Intellectual property: filing (band 1)
PATENTUS was named as the best in Russia in "Intellectual Property" (Intellectual property: filing, band 3).
Dmitry Markanov was distinguished in the category «Recognized Practitioner».
the company entered the list of the leaders in the field of intellectual property (IP: filing).
For the first time, PATENTUS was included in the list of the leaders of the Russian legal market according to Chambers in 2015. Since then, we traditionally obtain recommendations in the field of intellectual property.

The Legal 500
One of the most famous international legal editions, founded in 1988. The Legal 500 directories provide the most comprehensive and accurate information about the law firms from more than 150 countries. The purpose of the rating is to identify leading law firms and key experts practicing in various areas of law.«...PATENTUS has achieved significant results in trademark applications and intellectual property litigation. Besides, the company's experts process the trademark registration, protect intellectual property rights, and advise on transactions.».
The company is recommended as one of the best law firms in Russia in Intellectual property (tier 3)
PATENTUS was named among the best in Russia in "Intellectual Property" (Intellectual Property, tier 3).
PATENTUS was named among the best in Russia in "Intellectual Property" (Intellectual Property, tier 3).
the company is recommended as a leader in the field of intellectual property (Intellectual Property, tier 3).

Best Lawyers
Is one of the most reputable ratings of the legal community worldwide. Since 2006, the edition annually publishes the Best Lawyers ratings. The results obtained are based on an analysis of expert assessments provided on a confidential basis by thousands of leading lawyers about their colleagues.
Dmitry Markanov is recommended as one of the leading expert in Russia in dispute settlement (Litigation), Alexey Mikhailov is recognized as one of the best expert in the field of intellectual property.
Dmitry Markanov is named among the leaders in the field of dispute settlement (Litigation) by the Best Lawyers expert rating.
Dmitry Markanov was distinguished as the best lawyer in "Dispute Settlement" (Litigation).

IP Stars
is one of the most reputable in this area, covering over 70 jurisdictions and resulting from a thorough research conducted by the experts from London, New-York, Hong Kong, collecting the data about law firms based on their own studies and interviews.PATENTUS is recommended in Patent prosecution (tier 3), Trademark prosecution (tier 3).
Personal recommendations received: Dmitry Markanov (Patent Star 2020/2021) and Alexey Mikhailov (Notable Practioner).
The company is recommended in two areas: Trademark prosecution (tier 3) and Trademark contentious (other notable firms).
Personal recommendations received: Dmitry Markanov (Patent Star) and Alexey Mikhailov (Patent prosecution).
the company was recommended in three categories:
- «Trademark dispute settlement» (Trademark contentious);
- «Filing applications and trademark registration» (Trademark filing & prosecution);
- «Filing applications and patent registration» (Patent filing & prosecution).
Dmitry Markanov was named as a leader in the field of patenting (Patent Star), and Alexey Mikhailov was named as "outstanding patent attorney and Rising star" (Rising star).
the company was recommended in three categories:
- «Trademark dispute settlement» (Trademark contentious);
- «Filing applications and trademark registration» (Trademark filing & prosecution);
- «Filing applications and patent registration» (Patent filing & prosecution).
Dmitry Markanov was named as a leader in the field of patenting (Patent Star), and Alexey Mikhailov was named as "outstanding patent attorney and Rising star" (Rising star).
the company took part in the competition for the first time and at once was distinguished in the categories
- "Trademark dispute settlement" (Trademark contentious, recommended)
- "Trademark registration" (Trademark prosecution, notable)
- "Filing applications and patent registration" (Patent filing & Prosecution).
Personal recommendations were obtained by Dmitry Markanov (Patent Star), Alexey Mikhailov (Patent prosecution) and Nikolay Pyzhev (Chemistry and pharma expert).

IAM Patent 1000
A unique ranking that aims to identify and recognize best patent experts in the world based on information received from companies, on examination of completed projects and customer feedback.The company entered the category "Litigation and transactions" (bronze band) and "Patent prosecution" (recommended).
Dmitry Markanov (Litigation) and Alexey Mikhailov (Patent prosecution) received personal recommendations. Aleksey was named “an outstanding practitioner”, and the PATENTUS
litigation practice was noted by competitors.
our company is recommended as a leader in the areas of "Litigation and transactions" (Litigation and transactions, bronze band) and "Patent registration" (Patent prosecution, recommended).
Personal recommendations were obtained by Dmitry Markanov (Litigation) and Alexey Mikhailov (Patent prosecution).
the company entered the third group of leaders in the category "Litigation and transactions" (Litigation, bronze band), as well as was recommended by the rating in the category "Patent registration" (Prosecution, recommended).
Personal recommendations were given to: Dmitry Markanov in "Litigation" category and Alexey Mikhailov in "Patent registration" category.
the company was recommended in "Litigation" (Litigation, recommended) category and "Patent registration" (Patent prosecution) category, personal recommendations were given to Dmitry Markanov (Litigation) and Alexey Mikhailov (Patent prosecution).
PATENTUS was recommended in "Litigation" (Litigation, recommended) category, and in "Patent registration" (Patent prosecution) category the company entered the third group of leaders (bronze band).

WIPR Leaders
International ranking containing information about over 1700 leading IP experts worldwide.Dmitry Markanov is recognized as a leading lawyer in the Intellectual property area in Russia according to the results of the research of the international guide WIPR Leaders 2021.
Dmitry Markanov was again recognized as one of the best lawyers in the field of patent and trademark protection in Russia according to the results of a study conducted by the international rating WIPR Leaders 2020.
Dmitry Markanov was recommended as one of the best lawyers in the field of patent and trademark protection (IP Leader) in Russia.
Dmitry Markanov was recognized as one of the best lawyers in the field of patent and trademark protection (IP Leader) in Russia.

World Trademark Review
International ranking dedicated to trademarks and legal practice, the development of the industry at the national and international levels.Dmitry Markanov is recognized as one of the strongest experts in Enforcement and litigation, and Anna Atyakshina, Rimma Slemtseva, and Evgenia Levina are recognized in the Prosecution and strategy.
Dmitry Markanov is again recommended as the lawyer on cases related to enforcement and litigation (Individuals: enforcement and litigation).
Dmitry Markanov entered the list of leading international trademark professionals. He is recommended as the lawyer on cases related to enforcement and litigation (Individuals: enforcement and litigation).
Dmitry Markanov is recommended as the lawyer on cases related to enforcement and litigation (Individuals: enforcement and litigation).

Who's Who Legal
an international ranking, which since 1996 has identified best lawyers in 34 areas of law based on comprehensive independent research.Alexey Mikhailov was named as one of the leaders in the field of patent law according to Who's Who Legal.

Corporate INTL
издание, которое помогает инвесторам, консультантам и должностным лицам компаний найти лучших специалистов в нужной им области, в том числе в области права.
Corporate INTL named PATENTUS Managing Partner Dmitry Markanov as the Leader of the Year in Intellectual Property Disputes.

Expert Guides
Alexey Mikhailov was awarded a rating and titled a "Rising star" in the field of patent practice (Patents).

Leaders League
the company was recognized as one of the best companies, and Alexey Mikhailov was personally recommended as a high-level professional in the field of patent registration.
Dmitry Markanov was distinguished as a leader in the field of patenting (Patent star), and the company in its entirety for the first time was recognized by this reputable rating as one of the best in the Russian Federation.

Client Choice
Dmitry Markanov became a winner of Client Choice 2018 award in "Trademarks" category.
Our warranties
Professional competence
Our experts are in intellectual property more than 25 years. Their knowledge and experience (some of them worked as leading experts in Rupto) allow them to achieve the best possible results.
The legal entity PATENTUS LLC has been on the market since 2006 (PSRN 1067746697622). Our company demonstrates annual growth, because it is profitable to deal with us.
On behalf of our clients, we supported the registration procedure for thousands of trademarks, patents, contracts, and computer software products. Well-known companies entrust us with their intellectual property: Hyundai, KIA, Dupont, Merck & Co, Russian Post, Dixy, Toy.ru, Lamoda, MTS Bank, АСВ, Spetssvyaz, Chirton and others.
Market leaders
1233 trademark applications filed in 2021 (official Rupto data). According to this, we are the 2nd largest law firms in Russia.
Professional liability of our company is insured by AlfaStrakhovanie, JSC in the amount of 5 000 000 rubles. This reduces your risks, which is important for us.
Quotation from the agreement: «5.1. The attorney shall keep confidential any information received in the course of performance of this Agreement during the entire term of its validity and ten years thereafter.»