Annual verification including the professional analysis of the similarity of trademarks/ identity of services and preparation of a report to monitor the entry of unfair competitors
Detailed info
Main info
Project essence
The company - an exclusive importer of confectionery and lollipops of the largest Slovak manufacturer - used to face the most severe example of unfair competition and went through a long process of protecting and defending its interests together with PATENTUS lawyers due to unlawful use of its reputation built for years and popularity of its brand.In order to avoid reoccurrence and for prompt prevention of such situations, the company's management made a decision to monitor potential competitors even before they would receive legal protection for intellectual property items violating the rights of I.D.C. SEDITA, to prevent the violation of their rights at the lowest cost.
Now therefore, for several years PATENTUS experts have been analyzing new applications and providing professional reports on the existence of similar trademarks for identical goods, enabling to prevent violations in advance at the post-registration stage, to protect the reputation and to minimize the cost of protecting the interests.
Services provided
Проверка товарного знака перед подачей в Роспатент -
Продукты питания и напитки -
Project date
– г.
![ООО «И.Д.Ц. Седита»](/upload/resize_cache/iblock/04a/189_70_1/04a6b2d3e51d253ce171645456ac515b.jpg)
Эксклюзивный импортер кондитерских изделий и леденцов крупнейшего словацкого производителя
Компания - эксклюзивный импортер кондитерских изделий и леденцов крупнейшего словацкого производителя заинтересована в ежегодном своевременном выявлении недобросовестных конкурентов.