Professional assessment of the chances for registration and the need to register a new trademark of a major Moscow bank

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One of the largest Moscow banks has been cooperating with PATENTUS experts for several years with regard to intellectual property registration. The team of lawyers responsible for the security of the Bank's intellectual property immediately receives comprehensive consulting support when new items appear. In this case, the Bank's representatives required the comprehensive information about the need and the possibility to register a new trademark, and accordingly, a full verification service was ordered.

Within the shortest possible period for professional verification – within five days the client received comprehensive information to make a decision on the necessity to register a new trademark. Based on the results of the report, PATENTUS experts also provided additional detailed consultation to clarify all the subtle points and questions of the client.


ПАО «МОСКОВСКИЙ КРЕДИТНЫЙ БАНК» при появлении новых объектов интеллектуальной собственности необходимо было принять решение о необходимости и возможности регистрации ещё одного обозначения в качестве товарного знака.

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