Successful negotiation of provisional refusal to register a trademark based on the results of a response to the Notification with minimal documentary evidence
Detailed info
Main info
Project essence
A representative of one of the leading Russian Universities addressed for registration of a trademark in color. Despite the popularity of the University and the availability of a previously registered designation in black and white, the Rospatent experts made a preliminary decision to refuse the registration.
Since it was not possible to obtain a letter of authorization from the Agency required by Rospatent, the PATENTUS experts agreed with the client on the list and type of the documents to be provided to increase the chances for registration. Besides, they prepared a response to the Notification containing strong arguments in support of registration, having convinced Rospatent that the trademark may be registered in the submitted form, taking into account all methodological rules and legal requirements.
Services provided
Ответ на Уведомление или отказ в регистрации товарного знака в Роспатенте -
Наука и образование -
Project date
– г.

ФГБОУ ВПО Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова
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