Precedent setting case: PATENTUS lawyers obtained court order declaring search engine advertising unlawful.

Precedent setting case: PATENTUS lawyers obtained court order declaring search engine advertising unlawful.

Precedent setting case: PATENTUS lawyers obtained court order declaring search engine advertising unlawful.

Energetica, the PATENTUS client, asked for the lawyers’ assistance to protect its IP rights.

The client wished to challenge the use of its trademark by other companies in search engine advertising.

Vaxim Volkov successfully protected the client’s rights and proved the fact of infringement and that the use of the trademark in search engine marketing constituted an infringement.

It is important that this is a precedent setting case. Previously courts have not been uniform in deciding whether or not the use of a trademark in search engine advertising constitutes an infringement. Thanks to Maxim Volkov who proved that such use of a trademark is an infringement, a precedent has been set.

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