When it is necessary to obtain a Eurasian patent?

When it is necessary to obtain a Eurasian patent?


Are you interested in protecting your invention in several CIS countries (such as Turkmenistan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia)? In this case, you should consider filing a single application for a Eurasian patent under the Eurasian Patent Convention (EPC).

One application for a Eurasian patent excludes national procedures in each country separately, enabling you to save not only on payment of national fees, but also on payment for services of national attorneys.

What does the procedure for obtaining a Eurasian patent look like for Russian applicants?

1. An application made in Russian in accordance with the requirements of the Eurasian Patent Convention (EPC) is submitted to Rospatent.
2. The application is sent to the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), conducting a formal expert examination (checks the completeness of the application files, the fees paid).
3. This authority conducts search, publishes the application and conducts a substantive examination.
4. In the event of the positive result of examination, EAPO publishes and issues the patent.

The selection of the countries where the patent will be valid is made at the stage of payment of the fee for maintaining the patent. You can select all EPC member countries or choose certain from the list.

The Eurasian procedure for registration of an invention can be chosen as a regional stage (national phase) for international patenting, greatly facilitating the procedure for patenting in other countries in the future.

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